Spotify — it’s not only about music. It’s about relationships

2 min readApr 6, 2022


I’ve discovered Spotify for myself in August 2020. I’ve been using it 584 days long. Every day from 8–9 am till late night Spoti is working. Every single sad, happy, anxious, relaxing, hectic and slow day he is working hard without days-off and vacations. He is working for make me sad and excited, being anxious and relaxed. He is working hard to force me keep running and stop. He is working hard to make me feeling. He is working because he wants to give a chance any moment in our life being special.

He gives friends an opportunity listening the same tracks even if they have a big distance between each other. He mixes up our preferences. He makes us closer. He opens up us in a different side via music. New one and heard one.

During this more than an year I’ve created a playlist with russian music for american friend, I’ve shown to Jamie White Jack White’s songs and caught my mate who used to listening rock music how he was listening to song by Justin Bieber (don’t judge).

On 4 April 2022 was the last day of my Premium subscription. Several days earlier I read news about Spotify’s decision to stop working on territory of Russia. Well, it was a little life of soulless algorithms which were packed into a good-looking app which filled up our souls and made our feelings brighter. There is no offence, Spoti. Hopefully see you soon.

